Sunday, May 13, 2018

Five Reasons to take up a Dance Class

Two years ago I started my first adult ballet lesson. I signed up for the term on a whim thinking it would be fun to try something new. Two years later, I now take three dance classes a week including a jazz class. I’m not sure what makes dancing so appealing to me; whether it’s the release of happy endorphins or if it gives me an outlet to express myself or if it’s a skill that you can build upon but I can certainly say I’m addicted and I’m not the only one. Some of my fellow dance friends do up to 7 classes a week!  I do believe though that dancing has helped give me the confidence to make the decision to follow my passion and apply for my Masters in Journalism.

I thought I would write this article to help spread the joy. Here are my top five reasons to take up an adult dance class.

1.       Mindfulness

No matter how much is going on in your head whether its work stress or financial worries, when you are in the class all of these thoughts immediately diminish as your mind is now focused on remembering new choreography and there is no time to think about anything else. It is both a mental and physical workout and it enables you to be in that moment for the duration of the class. It definitely has improved my mental, as well as my physical health since starting.

2.       A New Skill

Unlike going to the gym or taking an exercise class you are learning a new skill that you can build upon and improve. Over the last two years my co-ordination has improved immensely and my muscle memory is so much stronger. It’s a very satisfying form of exercise.

3.     New Friends

It’s a great way to meet like-minded people. I have made many good friends through dancing and have met so many interesting people with different careers and interests and I have learnt a lot from them. 

4.       Cultural Enrichment

It is one of the most educational forms of exercise as you are constantly learning new repertoires and gaining an understanding of different ballets and styles of dance. My taste in theatre and performance has changed since I started dancing as I have experienced new genres.

5.     Confidence

It is a great way to develop self-confidence. All adult dance classes follow the same ethos-enjoyment over perfection. You are not expected to be the next Darcey Bussell and no one is judging you for making mistakes. It is very empowering to be in a supportive environment that helps you to build up your skills at your own pace.

So if you are on the fence about starting a dance class or even just trying something new I hope this helps inspire you like it has inspired me.