Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Tribe Cycle: Good for the body and soul

Recently I attended a spin class with a difference - one in which fitness meets therapy.

Little did I know ‘soulcycle’ has been a phenomenon for over a decade: in fact it was first launched in New York in 2006 and its fan base includes Oprah Winfrey, Michelle Obama and Lady Gaga. The ethos of the class is for members to ‘cycle their way to happiness’.

Tribe Cycle is the first soulcycle style class to come to Edinburgh and has been running for over a year now. Having signed up for a two week Class Pass trial I was lucky enough to be able to attend a few of the upmarket Tribe classes for free so I decided to give Tribe Cycle a go.

I wasn’t sure what to expect and on arrival I realised I was in for a few surprises. The class takes place in a dark room with muted fluorescent lights giving it a nightclub vibe and is taught by an incredibly attractive and physically fit woman wearing a headset. (I thought these fitness teachers only featured in Sex and the City)

I was surrounded by a sea of tanned, blonde women kitted out in their Lululemon gear. I quickly realised I was not part of the typical Tribe Cycle clientele with my frizzy bun, transparent skin and non-rhythmic movements.

The music was set, we were all saddled up, our gears adjusted and ready to get spinning. With the combination of the dance anthem music, the fluorescent lighting and the teacher occasionally shouting out things like ‘It’s Tuesday night here at Tribe Cycle’, I couldn’t help but feel like I was in Ibiza.

This class is definitely for the physically able, your legs literally do not stop moving for the entire 45 minutes and just when you think you’re about to do a cool down, you’re being asked to speed up. The instructions are almost delivered in a rap style with lots of rhythmic patterns to follow. Co-ordination is key!

Then came the positive affirmations. There is something quite powerful about sweating out in a spin class and hearing statements like; ‘You don’t need anyone to validate you’ or ‘You are perfect as you are.’ The combination of the momentum of the pedalling with the positive reinforcement simultaneously builds you up both physically and emotionally.

By the end of the class, my entire body was bright red and covered in sweat. On my walk home my legs were in agony but I was on such an emotional high and felt such a sense of achievement to have made it through the class. I was definitely not the coolest or fittest person there but I definitely bought into the ethos and will be back!

If you’re keen to join I warn you, you WILL sweat and want to die halfway through but it is a trans-formative experience for the body and soul.