Tuesday, December 31, 2019

A Decade of Reinvention, Change and Challenge

This time, ten years ago I celebrated New Year’s Eve watching the Sydney fireworks from my friend James’s backyard. Fast forward to this year it will be more of a low key affair, in my pyjamas in my family home in Castleblayney.

My trip to Sydney was part of my winter break while teaching English in Japan. After leaving University with a Social Science degree during a recession it seemed like a good option and a chance for an adventure. It definitely was that and I’m grateful to have had the opportunity to have spent two years in a culture so alien to my own and to have had the chance to travel through Asia and make some lifelong friends around the world.

However, Japan was only a quick fix for my overwhelming uncertainty and I found myself returning to Ireland at twenty five without many transferable skills and at a complete loss of what to do next. This was a challenging time and it took me a while to get back on my feet.

Deciding Ireland wasn’t where I wanted to be I moved to Edinburgh to train to become a primary school teacher. Although this hadn’t been the career I had dreamed of as a child it gave me stability and a purpose again.

With its charming scenery and culture, Edinburgh quickly felt like home to me. I taught in a number of schools for the next five years. Although I loved the children and the holidays, I found teaching a very hostile environment and experienced many challenges including a case of bullying in the workplace.

Deciding that the perks of the job were unable to outweigh the lows I decided enough was enough and I applied to study a Master in Journalism.
This wasn’t an easy decision, as I had gotten used to a certain level of living so I had to make many cut backs and work harder than I ever had before.

A year on, I have my Masters and have a job as a reporter at a local television station. Although I am on the bottom of the career ladder again with an entry level salary and ton of debt, I’m glad I took this leap of faith.

This decade has been my happiest and saddest. I’ve had opportunities to travel the world, see the bright lights of New York, the foaming Iguazu Falls and the ancient ruins of Angkor Wat, to name a few. I’ve discovered my own self worth, have made countless news friends and have re-invented myself.

I also however lost my older sister to suicide, been disappointed by people and had my own struggles.

I’m starting this new decade in my early thirties, not a home owner yet, not able to drive yet, but at the beginning of a new chapter.

Although the bright lights of Sydney feel more appealing tonight, I will happily opt for the more boring option this year and start the decade with a clearer direction of where I want to go.