Sunday, August 21, 2016

Alan Cumming Sings Sappy Songs Review

As many of you who know me well will know that I am a huge theatre fan and an even bigger fan of the Edinburgh Festival! I always place myself carefully at the edge of the arts scene but never take the full plunge which is why the Edinburgh Festival always makes me feel very emotional. This year was the first time that I have seen anything at the Edinburgh International Festival and what a way to start by seeing 'Alan Cumming Sings Sappy Songs'. I have always been a huge Alan Cumming fan from back when he played creepy Sean Walsh in Circle of Friends to my new latest tv obsession The Good Wife. I was aware of Alan Cumming's experience in Broadway but it wasn't till I witnessed him live I discovered the true talent he possesses for show business.

The venue was set up to resemble a New York style cabaret club with dimly lit tables and an intimate stage setting. In bright neon lights were the words 'Club Cumming' to give you a feel for what was to come (no pun intended). This was a truly entertaining show that gave the audience an outlet to laugh, cry and just feel something. His songs ranged from Miley Cyrus's 'The Climb', Keane's 'Somewhere only we know' to a 'mash up' of Adele's 'Someone like you', Lady Gaga's 'The Edge of Glory' and Katy Perry's 'Firework'. Each song was introduced by a story or anecdote from Cumming's life which gave the show a really personal feel and all of the songs were performed in such a true and honest way. The song that moved me the most was his version of Rufus Wainwright's 'Dinner at Eight'. To introduce the song he told us about being a victim of child abuse from his father and he delivered the song with every inch of his being which moved many members of the audience. What struck me the most about this gift of a show was that we were seeing an artist that bore his soul to the audience; the good, the bad and the ugly and was so unashamed to feel everything.

It was interesting to look around the audience to see that different songs and stories moved different people for various reasons. A middle aged lady beside me was trying to fight the tears during Cumming's heartfelt rendition of Adele's 'Someone like You' as this song was significant to her. For me just bearing witness to a person who I admire and has led such a fascinating life full of experience was inspirational to me.

After the show the audience were invited along to 'Club Cumming', a club night that emerged in Alan Cumming's Studio 54 dressing room during his run on Cabaret on Broadway and we were lucky enough to get to experience it in Edinburgh. This club night consisted of Alan on the decks and his pianist and cellist chipping in on their instruments when appropriate. We were graced by the presence of a number of acts including a stripping Jesus, an Italian breakdancing company and a David Bowie impersonator. I definitely felt like I was in Studio 54 and gave in to the randomness and hedonism, It was one of the most unique nights of my life that I will never forget and it gave everyone the opportunity to have the full exclusive Broadway after party experience for themselves. Highly recommended!!

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