Sunday, September 16, 2018

The Secret Diary of a Supply Teacher


Right okay have arrived at my school I am (hopefully) teaching at today. Yes, the secretary has just confirmed that I am pencilled in but there is no sight of any teaching staff or the head teacher. Hmm. 

Decided to take a ‘pro-active’ approach and have a little wander around the school for myself to see if I can find anyone. Right they are all in a meeting. Decided to knock on the door! Deep breath!

Me: ‘Apologies to interrupt but am I supposed to be here today?’
Entire Staff: Cold Stare
Head Teacher: Emm yes, I think so just wait downstairs please
Me: About to implode with cringe and panic but do as I am told.

Head Teacher finally appears.
‘Right, we didn’t actually need anyone till Thursday but we can slot you into our P6 class to give the teacher some cover’
*Excellent, as if I wasn’t feeling random enough but yay brilliant.*

Class Teacher: ‘Here is the plan, the kids are coming in, in 10 minutes, they are absolutely fine, nothing to worry about, apart from 2 boys that might shout out!
I can do this! *Walks confidently down to collect class*

Opens door to a sea of children, hang on which class is it I need to get??  Finally, have located class when a child shouts out- ‘Are you teaching us today, Eh?’  Yes, that would be me.

The class settle down to do some morning maths activities all is under control, well apart from a boy who keeps trying to escape and another who is shouting obscenities.

We are following the Joe Wicks Youtube fitness channel this week so we pushed back some tables to get started. So far so good; until a child gets his finger stuck between two tables.

All is still well. I decided to ‘get down with the kids’ and take part in the exercises to the disgust and embarrassment of a few girls in the class. What’s a little gentle humiliation to get through the day?Yes I am being mocked by 10 year olds.

10.45- Breaktime. Thank God

I decided to go for a punchy advertising lesson after break to try to really engage this age group.
Oh my actual word it is working, they are all listening even the boy who was desperately attempting to escape the class earlier. I am on fire!

Split the class into groups to come up with their own radio adverts. A few suggestions…
‘Miss, can we do Gucci.’  Yes, okay.
‘Miss, can I do Fortnite’. I don’t approve of this violent game but if it means you will actually sit down and get on with it, fine.

12.15- Class starting to bubble, come on I can make it till lunch.
Me: ‘If you’re finished go and get a book’
Class: There is no library
Me: ‘Okay, well go and get some paper and draw’
Class: We don’t have any paper.
Me: Come on lunchtime!!

12:30 Lunchtime- Thank God, just an afternoon left! Right, now to face the staffroom. Is it really sad if I just eat my lunch in the classroom? No, I’m going to enter

The Staffroom
Right, okay everyone is sitting in a nice circle…where to sit? Have found a nice, safe seat in the corner, suitable for someone of my lower station.
I must not overstep any pecking order.
Everyone is actually lovely and very welcoming towards me.

I begin to even feel comfortable and start to chime in on a conversation about transgender children. A few surprised glances. Okay, rein it back in Lynn and just eat your lunch!

Right, the final slot I can do this! A few children come back in after lunch a bit upset.
‘Miss, he called me a b**%h’
‘Well, she called me a c&** and is going to get her cousin to batter me’
Right, okay guys time to calm down and I will get the head teacher to come and speak to you later
We start to read Wonder. All I can say is thank the Lord for this wonderful novel. It evoked so much empathy from the entire class and I have to say I did feel all warm inside to see everyone lying down and really engaging with the novel.

Back to our desks to do some spelling work. The magic of Wonder had worn off and the two children who had been at each other’s throats earlier were at it again, this time with even more creative insults. Okay, breathe you just need to keep things under control till 15.10! You can do this!

‘Miss, this is boring, when can we start our Diamond Time?’
Me: In fifteen minutes, just keep going, you’re nearly finished. *Seriously, when can they start their Diamond Time and what is Diamond Time?*
Ask a sensible boy in the corner what Diamond Time is, all is well again.

Diamond Time starts (A period where the class can choose what they would like to do)
‘Miss, she is still saying that she is going to get her cousin to batter me?’
Right, starts to panic a little, I’m not sure what the protocol is when someone threatens someone with a battering but I’m going to send the two of you down to the head teacher to see if you guys can figure this out. 

On my knees but it is home time. A girl comes up and throws her arms around me. 'Miss, are you taking us again tomorrow?’ ....

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