Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Growing into yourself!

Today I found out I got an interview for a job at a camp in California and feel very excited about all of the possibilities there are out there. When I look at certain programmes I think of the adventurous people I would meet or have met in the past that make the place shine. I am always attracted to certain organisations due to the people that I meet there but all of a sudden had a realisation that I could be one of those people just living ordinarily every day. The kind of person I admire is someone who is confident, has their own sense of individuality, is strong in their beliefs, has culture and oozes in happiness and positivity. I keep thinking I need to go travelling or do a specific programme to meet these people or be inspired by them or to become more like them.

I had a realisation that I can do all of these programmes and travel to all of these places but still have this anxiety within and that it is in my daily life I need to work on being this person that I feel I can only be in these certain situations. This post I realise makes no sense but it is a way for me to make sense of what I have felt for a very long time. In my current temporary teaching position I always feel that I need to wait till I'm permanent or until its 'my place' to shine but I realise I can get on with it now. I don't need to be in a certain place or environment. I can bring the qualities I admire in an organisation to any organisation!

Whatever my future holds I want to try to get over this waiting of growing into myself and be that person now! Remember to not be afraid to shine! As Take That say 'Gotta live for these days''.


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