Sunday, March 15, 2015

Serrano Manchego!

So lately I have become a little more observant of my surroundings while on the bus and the other day something occurred to me; a whole cluster of trendy cafes and bars seem to have appeared on Leith Walk! They may have been there this whole time but have just gotten around to noticing now!

This morning I decided to try out one of them: Serrano Manchego! This delightful tapas restaurant is tucked away at the corner of Leith Street. Inside it has a nice vibrant vibe, with wooden window side tables and benches, modern furnishings and Spanish influence pouring from the seams.

As I was meeting a friend for a morning coffee I opted for the breakfast menu. There were a range of options of authentic Spanish eats and I went for the toast with tomato and a coffee, a meal I had enjoyed sitting outside at a café in Seville two summers ago. The service was quick and the food was delicious. It made me nostalgic for my past two summers spent in Spain!

I have already made plans to go back for dinner some evening! So if you are feeling fed up of your usual spots in town, make a trip down to Leith for an authentic treat.

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